1516b Over Under 2.0
Codebase for 1516b over under season
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NRobotContains all objects generated by the 1516B team - Contains all of the subsystems, methods, and global objects
 NGlobalsContains global variables and type definitions for the Robot namespace
 NUtilityContains utility functions for controlling the screen and toggling subsystems
 CAutonomousThe Autonomous class contains classes and functions related to the robot's autonomous behavior
 CDrivetrainRepresents the drivetrain of the robot
 CIntakeRobot intake system
 CPuncherRepresents a Puncher mechanism for a robot
 CRobotSubsystemsStructure that holds instances of all robot subsystems
 CWingsWings of a robot