1516b Over Under 2.0
Codebase for 1516b over under season
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Robot Namespace Reference

Contains all objects generated by the 1516B team - Contains all of the subsystems, methods, and global objects. More...


namespace  Globals
 Contains global variables and type definitions for the Robot namespace.
namespace  Utility
 Contains utility functions for controlling the screen and toggling subsystems.


class  Autonomous
 The Autonomous class contains classes and functions related to the robot's autonomous behavior. More...
class  Drivetrain
 Represents the drivetrain of the robot. More...
class  Intake
 The Intake class represents a robot intake system. More...
class  Puncher
 Represents a Puncher mechanism for a robot. More...
struct  RobotSubsystems
 Structure that holds instances of all robot subsystems. More...
class  Wings
 The Wings class represents the wings of a robot. More...


struct Robot::RobotSubsystems subsystem

Detailed Description

Contains all objects generated by the 1516B team - Contains all of the subsystems, methods, and global objects.

In order to construct the robot, the Robot namespace is used to contain all of the objects that are used to control the robot. This includes the subsystems, methods, and global objects. We use PROS extensively for the robot, it can be found at PROS

Absozero, Jaytb

Variable Documentation

◆ subsystem

struct Robot::RobotSubsystems Robot::subsystem