1516X High Stakes 2.0
Codebase for 1516X High Stakes season
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RobotSubsystems Struct Reference

Structure that holds instances of all robot subsystems. More...

Public Attributes

Robot::Autonomous autonomous
Robot::Drivetrain drivetrain
Robot::Intake intake
Robot::Latch latch
Robot::LadyBrown ladybrown
Robot::Sweeper sweeper

Detailed Description

Structure that holds instances of all robot subsystems.

Definition at line 39 of file main.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ autonomous

Robot::Autonomous RobotSubsystems::autonomous

Definition at line 40 of file main.cpp.

◆ drivetrain

Robot::Drivetrain RobotSubsystems::drivetrain

Definition at line 41 of file main.cpp.

◆ intake

Robot::Intake RobotSubsystems::intake

Definition at line 42 of file main.cpp.

◆ ladybrown

Robot::LadyBrown RobotSubsystems::ladybrown

Definition at line 44 of file main.cpp.

◆ latch

Robot::Latch RobotSubsystems::latch

Definition at line 43 of file main.cpp.

◆ sweeper

Robot::Sweeper RobotSubsystems::sweeper

Definition at line 45 of file main.cpp.

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