
Semester 1

Currently, Team 1516B uses a 6 motor drivetrain with omniwheels for fast movement, and also uses gear ratios optimized for speed on the drivetrain. We aim for a fast drivetrain that can move the robot around and push triballs as well as one that has enough torque to overcome an opposing robot pushing ours backwards.

We put 4 motors in the back in order to save space in the middle for a triball holding area. As we have defined the game, Over Under, this year as a "pushing game", our intake serves moderately little use except as a holder for our beginning autonomous. Therefore, our drivetrain must be one of the strongest portions of our robot.

Semester 2

During the second half of our season, we rebuilt the drivetrain, using the same six motor drivetrain idea, but instead using 8 wheels for the drivetrain and making the motors equidistant from one another. Additionally, we built a drivetrain for the programmers to test code on, which was also a six motor drivetrain, but it had six larger 4 inch wheels. The 8 wheels on the main drivetrain were to allow the bot to get over the center bar easier and have more stability in general.


Additionally, we use two pneumatics that power horizontally locking wings on each side of the robot. They are controlled together and have polycarbonate plastic on them to push triballs forwards easier.