1516X High Stakes 2.0
Codebase for 1516X High Stakes season
No Matches
Git Branching Conventions

0. Guidelines

  • Main is the trunk of the repo.
  • Modification of main will only be done through pull requests or emergency changes.
  • All other changes requires a new branch and associated issue to be created.

1. Create New Issue

  • Create a specific and descriptive title.
  • In description:
    • Describe specific implementation instructions.
    • Include any locations in codebase requiring modification.
    • Include any useful details or advisory.

2. Create New Branch For Issue

  • Branch naming: issue type/issue-#/issue name
  • E.g. docs/issue-1/guide-subdirectory
  • Create branch off of branch main.

3. Create Pull Request

  • Once changes to the branch are complete, it must be pushed to origin.
  • It should be ready to merge with main.
  • A pull request must be created before merging.
    • Description must include specific changes and locations made to the codebase.

4. Merging Branch

  • Branch merges are to be executed by authorized members only.