1516X High Stakes
Codebase for 1516X High Stakes season
No Matches
Git Branching Conventions
0. Guidelines
Main is the trunk of the repo.
Modification of main will only be done through pull requests or emergency changes.
All other changes requires a new branch and associated issue to be created.
1. Create New Issue
Create a specific and descriptive title.
In description:
Describe specific implementation instructions.
Include any locations in codebase requiring modification.
Include any useful details or advisory.
2. Create New Branch For Issue
Branch naming:
issue type/issue-#/issue name
Create branch off of branch main.
3. Create Pull Request
Once changes to the branch are complete, it must be pushed to origin.
It should be ready to merge with main.
A pull request must be created
Description must include specific changes and locations made to the codebase.
4. Merging Branch
Branch merges are to be executed by
authorized members only
Generated on Thu Feb 13 2025 18:31:45 for 1516X High Stakes by