1516X High Stakes 2.0
Codebase for 1516X High Stakes season
No Matches


  • Implement testing for the codebase
  • Create 4 Bar class and controller when idea is finalized
  • Be able to control the color sensor in the intake class, maybe a toggle system for the sensor, integrated with the disabled screen.
  • PID's for lifts / Ramp up subsystems
  • Drive details/data logging to an SD card.
  • Implement debugging
  • Implement testing of the codebase/helper functions
    • Unit tests
    • Integration tests
  • Use BLRS suggestions to ensure code quality

To Complete

  • Implement linting and formatting of code using clang tools
    • Consider standardizing markdown formatting
  • Driving information on screen
    • Deprecate Utility class as soon as live driving data can be displayed with LVGL
  • Tune autonomous routine - Specifically Pure pursuit
  • Format git repository correctly as per multi-contributor repository norms
  • Arrange LVGL UI transitions in driver code
  • Update 1516B wiki to latest codebase.
    • Write lvgl article

In Progress


  • Implement enums to replace random numbers.
  • Autonomous selector screen - completed.
  • Check whether manual drive mode changes work with toggle func & comp. switch
  • Re-enable IMU calibration at entrypoint